Monday, June 1, 2009

Wedding Festivities

One of my closest friends got married on Sunday and the wedding was breathtaking. Since I returned from India a week and a half ago I had been working alongside the bride on last minute wedding preparations. Amid the stress, long drives, and late-night bouquet making, I had a wonderful time with Liz in her last week of singleness.The wedding was perfect -- a warm sunny day (except for bridal party standing in the freezing shade), clear skies, family and friends, laughter and tears, and a very happy couple. I am so honored that she allowed me to be a part of such an incredible day.
I met Elizabeth Millay -- formerly known as Elizabeth Pastoor -- my first week at Cornerstone University before classes had even begun. Her and Brenda -- known as Brenda Ben at the time ;) - lived directly across the hall from me in our freshman dorm. That year laid the foundation for what would become one of the greatest friendships I have ever had. Despite our busy schedules and hectic lives, I can still think back to the many many memories we had together. From the fun and crazy, to the serious and sad, the time I spent with Liz was always of value to me. I think all who know her can attest to the quality person that she is. Although I don't know Dave near as well, I have come to see the incredible man of God that he is and rest well knowing that she will be well cared for and loved.
I love you Liz and Dave... it has been an honor to walk with you from the beginning of your relationship through the good times and not so good times and finally be a part of your beautiful wedding day. I am proud of your commitment to one another and to the gracious God we serve.

Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. David Millay!

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