Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sickness in the Ranks

Today was quite the day. The elementary school kids had a holiday today so they were home from school all day. Thomas and I played, bandaged kids up who were hurt or had infections, watched movies and just hung out with the rowdy little ones. They wear you out quick, but are such a joy to be around.Vijay and Peter took little Grace to the hospital this morning so they were gone all day. Prisana was sent home sick from school today with a fever and all that goes with it and went with them as well. Grace has had a fever, vomiting, and diarrhea for a day and a half and was only getting worse. That's a lot to handle for a one year old. It turns out that she'll be in the hospital for two days. I'm not sure what she has, but she is hooked up to an IV because of all the fluids she has lost. Please please pray for this little girl that God's hand would rest upon her and heal her body. Also pray for strength for her mom Vijay and Uncle Peter as they stay there with her for these two days. Things only got worse as kids started getting sick right and left. Little Sharisha who is about four came down with a high fever and slept most of the afternoon. Thomas thinks she might have malaria because she has been getting fevers a lot lately and doesn't have the energy she used to. We planned on taking her to the doctor around six and when we started getting ready to do so, more and more kids started to get sick. Peter came to us with a fever and cold. Jauncy has the chickenpox. Anusha has a swollen knee and has been throwing up all evening. Asha has an infection on her ear. Swapna has some sort of a rash on her body. Bhaga Sree has a fever and the rest. I can't remember anymore off the top of my head. So we collected about seven of the kids and took them to the doctor to get medication. The doctor is coming here tomorrow to check up on all of the children.

With this many kids there should be a doctor or nurse on staff here. There needs to be more staff in general. It's so difficult to find and keep hard-working staff who have a passion for this ministry. Please pray that God provides us with sufficient help. Also pray for our kids. It's very difficult (especially when the staff gets sick too [I'm fighting a head cold now]) to keep moving forward and teaching the kids and accomplishing everything we feel called to do when everyone is so sick. I hate to see these little ones so miserable as well.

I'm off to bed. The morning comes early here. Please remember to be praying for our staff and kids. God is faithful and will take care of us. I cling to His promises.

Praise the Lord!

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